Sunday, February 6, 2011


I give thanks to all the chickens I have ate.
The thousands of eggs I appreciate.
With out chickens I would probable be dead.
Even more praise of course be said.
Of all the bugs they ate, how does that rate.
Pest control and food too. What a system!
All in one, Will you listen?
With out chickens there would be no fun.
Just dire starvation.
Fried chicken, baked chicken, chicken pie, chicken stew even chicken on the bar-b-cue.
Oh and chicken soup, thank you for the medicine too.
Even thank you for the alarm clock at 3 or 4 am.
What a bird I must declare! I hope you all win the grand prize at the county fair. If it were up to me! To thank you for our economy.
I would put your picture on the dollar bill.
I would but they never will.

copyright Tom Stanley Janca

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