Thursday, October 7, 2010

A young Black Skimmer plays at the beach.

Time seems to stop when I walk down the beach. Lucky Me. I just want to keep going. But I aways come to some sort of end. Today its a small river at the point where the river joins the ocean. There at the end magic happened setting on the sand was two young Black Skimmers enjoying another day. It took me a while to remember what they were. It was 30 years ago the last time I had seen their kind. I took a few photos and I used up my Chip. Usually I have a spare or two. Not today! Now the fun started a couple of small kids began to chase the skimmers. They wanted to stay where they were. So the games began. Chasing and flying, turning and twisting in that small point of sand. The sun, the water, the waves, the clouds, the sound, the action all for my eyes only.
copyright Tom Stanley Janca .20 per

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