Friday, April 15, 2011

Tom Stanley Janca, 68

Tom Stanley Janca , 68

I feel terrific and the joys of life abound.

I would like to tell you a little true story that happened 12 Nov. 2006.

My story take place at the Gilbert Riparian preserve where I like to take Bird pictures.

Trust Lives.

That day while I was taking pictures of some wild ducks a pair of mallard ducks jumped up and flew very low straight over my head. This startled me and I stumbled back a bit but a remaining duck laughed at me Haw -haw- haw-haw-haw -very loud and I said "So you thought that was funny did you" And again from behind me some one Laugh again Haw-haw- haw-haw- haw. Just like the ducks. There was this whole family laughing. Well after talking for a while about the ducks a little boy of 4 or 5 came to me and hugged my leg. He look up at me and my heart filled with joy for the thank you and good bye. I thought that there is still trust in the world and it is very precious. Never End

1 comment:

  1. lol. the preserve is a very cool place. i am in the library now.

    probably see back there real soon, brett
