Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Linne' Explores Tonto Creek

Linne' Exploring Tonto Creek, And Poem by tom stanley janca

Poem: Some Day Again, she will remember the cold water on her toes. The fresh air with her nose. The sunshine and cool breeze on her face . She will recall the fish in the creek, the rocks, sticks, snake and snail and all about adventures first tale. With friends and family all so near the wilderness was nothing to fear. What lovely bushes and tree and high grass to feel. Please Mom, we must go, just a little farther down the trail. Look Mom Look at those flowers yellow and blue . Look Mom Look at these tiny bugs what do they do. Oh Yeah ! That where my passion for life was born. She remembers.

Snowy Egret Ready To Launch.

Arboretum Cactus

Charlie Brown Pelican At The Bait Shop.

American Robin In Ariizona

The Superstition Mountains In The Spring

Wild Not My Cats Mother and Kitten

Stilt And Snowy Egret Pass In The Pond, Asking Important Questions.

Why do you have yellow feet, the stilt asked. The egret answers, because it hurts to stab my toes thinking that they are a fish..Thank goodness they are yellow and I can see them plainly. That saves me a lot of pain and I catch a lot more fish.

Bird Of Paradise Flower Bud Stalk.

Just before the long walk under the railroad tracks to the Oceanside Pier, eye catching gardens line the walk way. Several of these bird of paradise plants grow there and their new spring shoots reach for the sky. How could I not, capture several out standing photos. I like the natural curves and the soft sky.